Thursday, February 19, 2009

dream dollhouse

i accidently found one site about toys and miniture visit this site to findout more its a little heaven for kanak2 n me..if i own one of the dollhouse i really wish i have my own dollhouse one day + complete with all the furnishing(they even have miniture for toaster n other kitchen gadget) i also want a complete set of playdoh...sounds like sgt kebudakan but the truth is i never had a chance to play all those cute n mahal toys.maklumla x berkemampuan.xpe.this things will get into my wishing list la..makin panjang la my wishing list pasni.(nway kene create baru sbb yg lama dh buang bcoz of some reasons)

*victorian dollhouse and all the accessories available

nak nak nak dollhouse...sgt comey


  1. anum,aku pon nk sgt barbie house!!kt sini murah time DSF tp cmne nk bawak balik sane?so x beli :(

  2. ish.. cam bebudak... same je sumer 'ninananum'... tiga2 cam bebudak...

  3. benda nih sgt comey ok...sgt2 comey..standard la suke yg comey..mcm ko x je fami..sepak kang..nina...ala..bestnye tp cmne nk bwk blek.kene charge mahal ke mmg xleh langsung?

  4. aku nk umah betol. kat tropicana ade banglo nk lelong.interested?anyone?keke

  5. aku nak Casa Indah 2... Pent house... ader sape baik hati nak lendkan duit..? anyone? muhaha

  6. casa indah katne..aku nk rumah ade balkoni and dapur besar so i can cook secara selesa dan profesional macam chef.hehehehheh

  7. casa indah tu kat kota dam. ape kate ko bli dapo yg ader anjung je num.. pastuh umah aku kat sbelah.. anytime aku nak makan.. aku order.. how.>?

  8. byk cantek muka ko labu..aku meniaga la mcm tuh.hhahahah
