Thursday, February 26, 2009
baby baby
*im happy n excited 4 u eca(smiling dr td)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
time : start at 2.30 pm till siap.
another working weekend kecuali Nina di Dubai yang memang bekerja on weekend.hehehe.persiapan untuk penjualan tender projek kuantan.more to come sbb only half of the documents are ready.akhirnya siap juga setelah beberapa bulan penyiapan tender nih.sumenye disebabkan pertukaran drawings yang minor je but still effect the documents tomorrow will be busy again with the tukul and all untuk bind the documents.kene bekerja keras bersama teamwork sebab kene hantar all the documents to the JKR on that day marilah bekerja bersungguh2 warga AAJ.
*to all the contractors yang datang 4 the lawatan tapak.the tender will be out by 26th February.silalah beli.(macam lah ade yang baca my blog.peace.)
aizan smiling(our super bersepah bilik meeting)
the documents
my place.penuh dengan macam2 sbb sy busy.malu.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
another 50 by me.
2) Was your last ex boyfriend/girlfriend a mistake?- No.ade je yang baek.
3) Do u believe in God?- Semestinya
4) To whom did u last say I love you?- Cinta hati
6) Have u ever been depressed?- Selalu saje
7) Have a best friend?- Ramai
8) Are u a boy or girl?- Girl tp ade hormon lelaki sikit..its true
9) What song u currently listen to?- Soundtrack Music n Lyrics –Way Back To Love
10) How do u want to die?- Dalam Iman.huhuhu.malu
11) What did you last eat?- Biskut Cream-o (tak tau eja)
12) Do you play an instrument?- Rekoder di waktu sekolah.
13) Do you bite your nails?- Tepi kuku saja.
14) When was your last physical fight?- Same with nina.gado ngan spen n lee.seronok betul
15) Tom from MySpace is about to go to jail what’s your first thought- Yeke.
17) Ever been in love?- Sedang in love.
18) What is your first name?- Siti.
19) Do you like reading?- Kegemaran.
20) Are you gonna get high later?- Perlu ke?
21) Do you hate someone at the moment?- Tiada dalam list.
22) Do you miss someone?- Ye.saya rindu mohd firdaus di johor sana.
23) Twirl or cut your spagheti?- Twirl
24) Who is the daughter of the sister of your best friend's uncle?- Tak tau la.tanya pelik-pelik la.
26) Have any pets?- Mioaww.
27) How exactly are you feeling?- Bercampur baur.bole ke gune word tuh.nvm.
28) Ever ate food in a car while someone is driving?- Yes.Sebab I rarely drive my own car.hehehe.ade adek ku n sayang ku untuk drive.but im a good driver tau.leh parking belagak@bontot..
29) Have you ever started a rumor?- Selalu saje.banyak benda untuk digosipkan.hehe.
30) Are Barbie & Ken bad influences on people?- Yess..masih ade adults yg tergile-gilekan mereka.
31) Do you regret anything from your past?- Ada.:)
32) What are you wearing right now?- Blue t-shirt, jeans and white tudung.saya OT di sabtu petang.saya rajin.
33) Do you want to have kids?-Nak bile dah sampai waktunye.Bilangan ikut economy semasa.peace.
34) Ever kissed somebody that name starts with a D?- Tiada dalam senarai.
35) Do you type fast?- Normal je.Im not a speedmaster pon.Spen yela,sampai ke London tuh…
36) Do you have piercings?- Ada 5 lubang di telinga.kenangan time sekolah.
37) Want any more?- Nope.cukupla.
38) Can u spell well?- Boleh.tapi kadang-kadang tidak
39) Do u miss your past?- Sometimes.sume orang pon begitu
40) What are u craving for right now?- Chocolate n a good movie with cinta hati.bile u nak balek sayang??
41) What should u be doing?- Tolong aizan finish the BQ and document tapi rase macam mengantuk pulak.
42) Own a cell phone?- Yup..tapi dah agak buruk.(selalu jatuh)
43) What was your last birthday wish?- Happy and kaya raya one day.
44) Does somebody love you?- Mestila…im a cutie pon kan..
45) What is your favorite color/s?- Itam, kuning, putih, hijau, biru, eh sumela..
46) So are you liking this survey?- Tiada perasaan
47) Is it too personal?- Tidak pon.sekadar memenuhi masa terluang yang berbayar..hahaha.selamba je.sorry boss.
48) Do you have trust issues?- Insurans?boleh percaya ke.
49) Who was the last person you kissed?- Mommy.dia pegi keje pepagi morning tadi.
50) Do you have a good relationship with your parents?- Yes.dan saya menghargainya.
*xde soalan no 5,16 and 25.i dont know why..copy from nana pon nih sbb kene tagged.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
dream dollhouse
*victorian dollhouse and all the accessories available
nak nak nak dollhouse...sgt comey
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
site visit
km : tersangat la jauh
story : best2 sbb berjalan jauh n dptla tgk view yg cantek sepanjang the journey..even dr dlm kete je.lgpon it was my 1st time pegi kuantan so I'm very excited this time.we went to site visit for aizan's project which located sebelahan je ngan menara komtur.ramai betul contractor yg dtg untuk site visit kali nih.around 100++ yg dtg tetapi just aorund 90++ yg submit the borang lawatan tapak to the JKR la...this really show that xde job skang untuk contractor2 di M'sia nih..sume2 berlumbe2 untuk mendapatkan projek untuk company msg2..kegawatan economy skang nih nmpaknye dh menunjukkan tanda2nye...murahkan la rezeki en.ipin n en.azhar so adelh duet nk bg gaji aku ye tuan boss..alang2 dh berada di kuantan singgahla rumah aizan di semambu kuantan untuk lunch n rest kejap b4 bertolak pulang ke kl semula..mak aizan masak ayam gulai cili api, sotong sambal, ikan sumbat goreng, sayur kacang 4 lunch n temose(karipap inti ikan n kelapa) 4 minum petang...sedap sgt sbb dh lama xmkn gulai ayam + my fav. sotong sambal n temose juga sbb xpenah mkn selama nih..hehehhe..terima kasih ye mak aizan,len kali singgah leh mkn2 lg..suke2 je nk dtg umah orng..sonok2 bermain ngan anak2 buah aizan jugak..comel2 belaka mereka nih...sgt petah n aktif..sume benda nk bercerita smpai ade cite cicakman pon kuar..hhehheehe.lupe plak nk mention we are a bit late ke meeting tuh tp pecut n Alhamdulillah xkene saman tp kene tahan la by the traffic officer tp lepas sbb aizan tipu kata br tanggal seatbelt belakang(mintak ampun ye encik traffic,kami kejar masa)..ini menunjukkan yg encik2 traffic nih sedang giat nk menyaman orng pasal pemakaian seatbelt ni...even our architect, CnS n MnE engineers pon kene saman bwk beware la ye yg suke dok travel sana sini bawak laju + x pakai seatbelt.bahaya k.okay la 4 now...enjoy some pics dr kisah semlm
semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki hendaknya.anakmu sgt syg padamu cume xtau nk show je..mintak maaf sume salah dan silap..tahun depan leh makan2 lagi ye pa..hehehehe..LOVE U
*dinner dari ayah
Monday, February 16, 2009
happy birthday again..yg ke 23rd (14th February 2009) tahun nih..sorry xdpt nk celebrate atas incident2 yg happen..nway i still love u darling...muahmuahmuah
derma darah
*ade jerawat plak tgn ku..huhuhu
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
aktiviti lasak
It was really fun n exciting.I managed to hasut nana bersukan this time.dulu kat kolej punyala susah nk ajak dia jog around the kolej tp this time to me!! kami memutuskan untuk berbasikal,lama rasenye x berbasikal siap beli new track suit tau n last saturday kami berbasikal semula.we went to Taman Pertanian Malaysia or more known as Bukit Cerakah for shah alamnian.we reach there around 9.00am walaupon pada mulanye beria nk pg pukul 730am tp fami lg nk pegi pukul bangun pukul 5.30am sbb nk tlg my mum bekalkan kami ngan nasi lemak sedap + ayam goreng tepung serbaguna seb baek la pegi pukul 9.00am tuh sbb taman tuh bukak pon kol 9.00am..hebat kan.n kami x perlu byr parking sbb pokcik guard parking lom bgn tido..jimat singgit.nk masuk kene byr rm3.00 nak rent the bicycle kene byr rm3.00 for basikal lama n rm5.00 for basikal baru (4 me sume basikal pon nmpak lama) tuk the 1st hour n another hours lepas tuh kene charge rm1.00 for each hour yg bertambah.the journey begin lepas berebut crk basikal ngan orng2 lain..seronok, puas tp penat (bak kata nana over tired dh nih) tp mmg syiokkkk abis la..lama x berpeluh mcm nih sbb dh lama x bersenam n kumpul lemak all over the berbaloi la sbb the scenery was beautiful n udara yg sgt nyaman..naek beskal pon asyik stop je sbb nk amik gamba(time naek bukit la,time turun rase cm superman)..ramai rupenya yg dtg berbasikal di hujung2 minggu mcm nih..i live in shah alam dh dekat 20 years but this is my 2nd visit..rase sgt rugi sbb x hargai kewujudan tempat nih lebih awal.betul la kata orng kalu tempat tuh dekat ngan kita.kita xde pon nk pegi tp kalu yg jauh beria nk pg.ape2pon mmg akan sampai ke sini lagi byk kali sbb masih ade route yg x lalu last time sbb sume berlagak xnak bwk map(ade ke mapnye).so bukit cerakah i'll be there again to visit sawah padi, taman haiwan, taman arnab n all next time...n 4 now enjoy some photos n video dibawah ini.
to nina:- t blek sini kita ronda2 naek beskal okay babe.
to lee:- kene belajar blek nek beskal bile ko blek kg tuh..aku xsanggup nak seret ko naik bukit (nana kata bukit putus)
Friday, February 6, 2009
ni pula gamba kami masa ngah aktif wat asignment masa college dulu (ade tersesat si ollie @ guy @ iz @ izudin @ mandur)..comel pulak aku rase kita2 nih dulu na(both nana n nina..hehehehe..ko kene agree ngan aku!!
nway ni gamba lee (lee aku letak gamba ko besar2 nih!! kene blanje)
another jumaat
br blek lunch pon.its friday so lunch break smpai kol 230pm.
tp seperti biase hari2 jumaat begini mmg kami suke merayau2kan diri ke tempat2 yg menarek x menarek la nk pg..hihi
as 4 today we went to PLAZA MASALAM a.k.a SHAH ALAM MALL..its the nearest shopping complex from my kesana la kami td..
we have an office meeting this morning so i had 1 bungkus nasi lemaksss(sgt berlemak) dibeli by cik. mala my officemate..
n 4 lunch td konon2 nya xmo la mkn pape tp...
jeng jeng jeng...
i found new takoyaki stall br bukak the bisnes.tanpa segan silu trus la mengorder my sotong takoyaki...
the last takoyaki i bought is from jusco bukit tinggi a few months back..
here's some picture of takoku journey..peace
some of the takoyaki menu
takoyaki sedang masak
my takoyaki (dh mkn sket br nk amik gamba)
*credit to nana yg mengajar cmne nk masuk all the u
Thursday, February 5, 2009
This 1st entry is just 4 u...
ko antara penyebab aku buat blog baru(sbb dulu dh ade)..
semmgnya aku nk ada blog n paksaan2 yg dtgnye dr kamu juga...
anyway, lepas nih lehla kita berluma-lumba updated our blog.
seperti mana kita berlumba-lumba nk mandi dulu time nk g class dulu...
nmpknye kene la aku ready pk kan tajuk2 menarek nk
distorykan dlm blog nih in the future...